
The BIPV panel is not a new concept. It has been in the industry for a very long time. Only now the people have started to gain their attention for BIPV panels. Now there has been a great technological advancement in the Solar Energy field from the past few years and BIPV is one of the best examples for the same. BIPV are really very sustainable as their life span is more than 25 years. BIPV systems can serve multiple purposes, including generating electricity for the building or exporting it to the grid, protecting the building from the elements, and improving the building’s appearance

A BIPV installation is when the photovoltaic collectors are a key element of the building shell. They can replace exterior shell components or be integrated into them. Examples of BIPV components and materials currently on the market include:façades, canopies, balconies, windows, car parks, and rooftops. Not only do BIPV systems generate electricity, but they can add visual interest and aesthetic design elements to the building.

Smart Solutions: Real-World Applications of BIPV Panels

Now let’s understand the application of BIPV panels. 

  • Roofing 

This is integrated into roof materials to generate energy and also helps as a protective layer.

  • Facades 

It’s used in the exterior of the building to create visually appealing solar energy solutions.

  • Windows 

It’s incorporated in transparent and semi transparent solar panels to maintain light while producing solar energy.

  • Canopies

It helps to provide shade and energy generation for outdoor areas and entrances.

  • Balconies

To enrich the aesthetics and functionalities of the balcony designs, solar panels are used in them. 

  • Car Parking 

While providing coverage for vehicles it also provides solar energy power.

Now that we have understood the application of BIPV panels, let’s dive deep into the clarity of  the types of BIPV panels.


Types of BIPV Panels: The Building Blocks of Sustainable Design

  • Photovoltaic Glass 

Transparent or Semi-Transparent Glass that allows light to pass through and also generates electricity.

  • Solar Roof Tiles

These tiles are integrated with roofing materials that resemble the traditional roofing materials and also produce energy.

  • Building Integrated Volume

To fit the special architectural elements such as facades and walls these panels are custom designed.

  • PV Facade Panels

These facades are mounted on buildings to enhance the aesthetics while creating a solar active surface altogether.

  • Solar Shingles

Lightweight, durable shingles that combine roofing and solar energy generation.

  • Double-Glazing Unit

Integrate photovoltaic cells between layers of glass, often used in windows.

There are also various benefits of BIPV panels. Let’s have a look at them for a better perception.


The Bright Side: Key Benefits of BIPV Panels

  1. Obtain green construction
  2. Reach your green and sustainable goals.
  3. Boost the insulation against heat and sound.
  4. Lower electricity costs while boosting revenue
  5. Reduce CO2 emissions and protect the environment.
  6. Use BIPV facades to keep the lighting at a consistent level.
  7. Get a fantastic return on your investment (ROI / IRR).
  8. Make your buildings and factories self-sufficient in energy.
  9. Guard your company against increasing energy expenses.
  10. Tax savings (caused by the accelerated depreciation program)
  11. Use creativity when designing buildings and architecture.
  12. Put solar panels on your rooftop to cut down on heat gain.


See how beneficial it can be for installing BIPV panels. If you are still looking for a reason to install BIPV panels then we have more reasons for you to go for it. 


Why Novergy’s BIPV Panels Are the Ultimate Solution for Your Project?

Novergy has over 17  years of expertise in Solar Solutions. We are also one of the leading BIPV manufacturers in India. Our solar BIPV panels are available in different shades, transparencies, sizes, and thicknesses to meet the specific requirements of each project. We have the highest efficiency solar technology. We provide Higher energy generation for the same KW rated solar system ( Up to 58% already proven in the field). We are also an Integrated player (Manufacturer + EPC solution provider) ensuring best customer experience and most optimal solar system design and performance. 

Novergy’s BIPV systems are helping our customers earn Green Building Certifications all around the globe. This experience gives us valuable insights into the latest trends in building design and requirements. It allows us to innovate and create tailored solutions that fit the specific needs of each project. As a leading BIPV manufacturer, Novergy Solar is committed to providing cutting-edge, efficient solar energy products to customers worldwide.

Our Expert team can work with you and help you to find the perfect solution for your project. Our BIPV panels can also work in low light conditions proving them to be the best of all solutions.


The Bottom Line: Why BIPV Panels Matter

BIPV panels are very important for the future of renewable architecture and efficiency of energy. They combine seamlessly into building designs, providing both aesthetic and functional purposes. By generating renewable energy while enhancing the building’s appearance, BIPV panels help reduce dependence on traditional energy sources and lower utility costs.

Additionally, BIPV systems contribute to green building certifications, promoting environmentally responsible construction practices. Their versatility allows them to be used in various applications, from residential homes to commercial skyscrapers, making them a vital component of modern urban planning.

Ultimately, BIPV panels not only support sustainability goals but also drive innovation in the construction industry, paving the way for smarter, greener buildings.


Ready to Go Green?

Take the next step toward energy independence by integrating BIPV solar panels into your building. Reach out to Novergy for expert advice and tailored solutions!

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