Get rid of High Genset running costs and Erratic power troubles!
Novergy Solar offers a variety of Solar Hybrid System and Microgrid Solutions that cater to customer sites that have erratic power supply or are operating in remote locations with a greater reliance on Diesel Gensets or other power generation sources.
We are a renowned brand in solar hybrid systems and microgrid solutions provider.
Our Solar Hybrid System and Microgrid solutions have been steering our customers towards a more sustainable and renewable energy regime by helping them augment their energy requirements and drastically reducing their diesel consumption and carbon footprint. We strive to manufacture high quality solar panels which are ecofriendly and efficient.
We work closely with our customers to recommend Solar Hybrid Systems and Microgrid solutions that are based on their site requirements and specific goals. We have been successful in enabling our customers to realize a very quick Return on Investment making us an ideal choice for sites that rely on generators and/or other power generation sources for their energy requirements
Achieve sustainability and Green goals
Improve power quality and reliability
Reduce the electric bills and Increase Profits
Save environment and reduce CO2 emissions
Earn a great return (ROI /IRR) on your investment
Make your factories and premises power self reliant
Protect your organization against rising energy costs
Save on taxes (Due to accelerated depreciation policy)
Reduce heat gain on your rooftop by installing solar panels
Reduce / eliminate the running time of gensets and reduce Diesel or fuel consumption
15 years and counting
Integrated player (Manufacturer + EPC solution provider) ensuring best customer experience and most optimal solar system design and performance
Highest efficiency solar technology in INDIA
Successfully executed several solar hybrid system projects
Higher energy generation for the same KW rated solar system (Upto 58% already proven in field)